Monday, December 15, 2008

Feminine Famine!

I feel the need to revolutionize my feminine side b'cos of the following reasons:

* I carry a blank expression on my face when people talk about exotic perfumes!

* I wear pointed sandals or high heels only when there is an absolute need for it.. else i am very happy to wear flats.

* I still hav'nt learnt the art of applying eyeshadow!

* I feel a little lost when i enter any lingerie store.

* Never carried a hand kerchief with me (maybe only at extreme nose flow conditions).

* My beauty salon visits are meant only for eyebrows and haircuts.

* People can never associate me with any particular fragrance. Just use random deodorants!

* I dont carry any umbrella during summers. (forget the summer... I carry an umbrella during the rainy season with a heavy heart)

* I feel sorry for men after reading Shobha De's book.

* My knowledge on face creams and lotions suck!

* I wear a chain around my neck only when my grany comes for a visit!

* I dont mind getting out of the house without any accessory.

* I cannot pitch into any conversation about the cosmetic products.

* I dont posses any bindi packets!

* Its been ages since I have shopped for any lipsticks or nail colors.

Basically a anti femme fatale!


Suresh Kumar said...

Really a funny post. I hope I hav not hurt ur sentiments :))

You need lessons to convert you from a social misfit ( Am I taking liberties :) ) to a likeable lady.

Look if there is a crash course available somewhere

pisku said...

lol. how about pink?

Charmed One! said...

I would love if any such feminine tactics class were held out somewhere :) !!!

He he no worries there. when it comes to colors i am total feminine character..