Weeks later we started sitting together on the first bench in the class ( Ask how come me n 1st bench... well we thought that lecturers usually concentrate on the last bench . so we can get away with doing anything right under their nose... now that was our illusion.. We got caught for most of the pranks that semester)...
It just took us one freaking evening of tiring Engineering drawing class to become good friends.. I was waiting for reems to get back from the clutches of that monster lecturer and that was when we both sat and started talking about our crushes and everything else.. And from then on we were tagged as good friends. Come the second year of engineering.. we got tagged as the pranksters too...N we also shifted to the last bench( yup we learnt a lesson - Nothing can ever replace the last bench)...
We were team when it came to mischievous deeds.. once we even teamed up to pick a dead frog from the road and drop inside our friends desk... N also we got into the firing line for pranks together...
We shared secrets.. shared laughters.. shared gossips.. shared books.. shared memories.. happiness and gloom...
Once out of engineering days... we still were the same.. we have been each others shoulders to cry on.. the first number and name that comes on mind when we have to share some news... happy or sad..
N on Saturday she left to US for a year on work .... The entire Saturday was spent packing her three years of junk collected here...
Thats us both in the photo trying the karaoke without the mic .. some 10 days ago... Awww
The sales, discounts, shopping, gossip and ladies night out will never be the same without you gal... I am so gonna miss you Raqs :( ......
PS - N when i seemed all sad and depressed.. the boy says he will take me out drinking to a local Bar to overcome my nostalgic feeling... so much for his wicked sense of humor... hmmph..
Hmm.... its always tough to be separated from a good friend....
Cheers to ur friendship and wishing ur friend a great future in the States.
It is really tough when friends go far away and for long. But thanks God (and some smart people) technology helps us to stay in touch with them :)
And your boy is fun :P
can so understand...best friend's in France since 2 years now:(
@Suresh - thanks suresh :)..
@lena - seriously these face book , google are really human gifts :D
@Saim - Ohhh... hope you get to meet your friend soon :)
Its always nice to have a good friend...
There are a very few ppl in this world with whom ur frequency matches..
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It has been almost a year dearie .. Miss you loads!! We'll do lotsa catching up on our wild days this December...
N thanks (belated) to everyone for the wishes :)
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